Can Saints be bald and clip the Eagles wings, Despardo as they are for a win

It’s taken me most of my adult life to perfect frottaging, I haven’t got time to take up flippin’ furtling as well.

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You do know what frottage is?


1.the technique or process of taking a rubbing from an uneven surface to form the basis of a work of art.
2.the practice of touching or rubbing against the clothed body of another person in a crowd as a means of obtaining sexual gratification.

I’m hoping you think it is definition 1)


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but hoping against hope…


Shlong on form in 1st 30secs


35 to be precise!!

You were saying??

Shlong - finally



I must admit I do like a good frot now and again.

but furtvie frottaging whilst furtling works

_Get in there. _

Love it Shane scores

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I knew VvD was stopping Long from scoring by…well he just was.


Pied looks in trouble



Keep up Baz


HT 1:0

Half way there.

Watching a dodgy US stream. Adverts are giving me a hankering for Subway and Wendy’s :confused:

Celebrating Krugers enlightening comments ?

Which took longer Shane scoring or sfc board talking?

Reading the bloody transcript on here tbf

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1/4 pounder and coke for just $5 :blush:

Pitch looks like a cackers back yard. Think this has helped Shane long.

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