⚽🥱🖕 BTripz is a real International football bore?

See above

And I was fucking late on that joke. FML.


It’s like Barry finding fifteen new countries to hate and creating a thread for each!

Just joshing, @BTripz is doing a fine job.

So is my fucking scrollwheel :smiley:

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Just wait until its a 48 team WC every 2 years @BTripz will explode…


If only someone on here knew a bit about programming we could make an App & sell it to all the other forums

Ffs @BTripz
Where is the “general stories” Euro thread ffs?

So you’re not going to join the sweepstake then @WorzelScummage?? For the little kiddies…

You’re an international sweepstake whore.


Corrected the thread title for you Cherts

No charge

Sometimes you are just too nice about Bob :roll_eyes:

Could have left the frigging emojis in the title

There’s a frigging emoji? :lou_surprised:

Is this it :wave:


I tend to take a scorched earth policy when it comes to fucking around with things I know nothing about :+1:

See… :roll_eyes:


Works better on Whatsapp

Jeez, you even fecked that up :lou_facepalm_2:


My point exactly

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