:brexit: Brexit - The Ramifications

We’d need to sign up for that. Do you think we will? Which party is going to campaign on being a vassal of the US? Who will get it through Parliament?

Now contrast those protections with law made in the EU

The campaign to be a vassal of the US already happened(under this gov).
You voted yes.

Is that why Obama came over and warned that we’d be at the back of the queue?

Doesn’t sound like a country wanting us to leave.

There’s been a change. No one told you?
Slightly different outlook from them now.

Not before the 23rd June 2016, me old skip.

People voted when Obama was in charge and Trump was just Hillary’s “guarantee” of victory.

We voted for Brexit. The Americans voted for Trump. Doesn’t need to be any more complex than that.

So you believe nothing has changed in America?
How’s Trumps view on trade. Same as Obama?
Our outlook as far as American goes has certainly changed(although in a good way for those that really led the leave campaign).

No, but that wasn’t my point. Brexit voters didn’t put Trump in office.

If anything, the same tactics caused both upsets, was people being told it was raining while their betters are pissing on their backs.

Both trump and brexit used migrants as the scapegoat for the troubles of the working class… and they fell for it in both places.


Obama just droned them…

Maybe not your point, but your original point didn’t have anything to do with my point or the article.
please stay on subject, or ignore.
What’s your view on those same old connections, that have been driving this for years, pig fucker included(amazing how many people believed him).
Does it not bother you?

How does pig fucking enter this conversation?

Have a guess

I dunno some reference to Cameron?

You could just tell him.



If he reads the article and my comments, i doubt he would need to ask.
But if that’s to much trouble, here goes.
The necrophilia, pedophilia & bestiality practitioner, was heavily involved in the dubious self serving groups behind the push to blame the wrong people for all our problems(you mention this above).
Most people will disagree with that, but consider what the freak done, rather than the lies he told. Ask @pap if project fear was good for the leave or remain camps.

Don’t really get the relevance of who campaigned for an exit. Blair and Mandelson campaigned massively to Remain. You’re not like them. On a binary issue you’re always going to have people with massively different political agendas on your side.

It’s not about who, more how they done things. The man supposedly leading remain spent the previous 6 years making sure working class people were fucked over.
As i said, most will disagree, but i didn’t see anything in his actions(or associations) that would have been the behaviour of someone that really believed in remain.
The whole thing was a game and we’re about to see the results(who do you think is going to come out of it better off?).
Project fear. Good for leave or remain?

Cameron specifically forbade the Civil Service from planning for a Leave outcome. That doesn’t sound like secret Leaver material.

The lack of planning, that would help us end up in a situation, where no deal and the potential for the bonfire of red-tape is almost assured?
What does that sound like?
You still haven’t answered about project fear. Who got the benifit from that. Leave or remain?
Whatever your view on his reasoning, he certainly done a job for one side and it wasn’t the side he claimed to represent.