:brexit: Brexit - The Ramifications

You plastic Paddies know nothing of me and my people.



Percentage points are a comfy argument, aren’t they? I see Remainers using them a lot. Only 4 percent!

Yeah, that’s over a million people.

I also love the desperate search for a blameable demographic, be it Russians or whatever.

I can actually help you out on that one. Your decisive demographic was the Labour leave vote. 3m. Muha.

Considering the Uk is Ireland’s second largest customer for exports, they take a surprisingly belligerent position on Brexit.

You have to wonder why ireland are taking this stance (along with the border issue). Maybe the EU have said to them, create as much agro for the Brits as possible and we will turn a blind eye to you Corporate tax scams you have been running for the multi nationals.

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It’s not just that, @CB-Saint. It’s the fact that presently, 80% of their other exports transit through UK ports.

The other thing I’d say is that if you asked the Irish people, none of them would want that to end, Brexit or not.

Unless they plan on doing something grander with their own ports, their lead times are going to be hit and holding them to the things they say, would have to pay tariffs to ship out of any of the Northern ports, such as Belfast or Warrenpoint.

They’ve got around 6m living there, and have a narrower range of exports than we do, and don’t have anything like the shipping capacity or traffic that we have in the UK. That’s why they use us.

Under the EU’s proposals, for tariff free access, they’ll need to get their stuff to somewhere like Rotterdam. And they’ll have to go around us. More fuel, less competitive lead times, more cost.

Economic madness, you might say, but doesn’t Varadkar look important when Barnier’s hand is up his arse and he’s doing diplomatic ventriloquism?

Great grilling by Guru-Murthy.

He manoeuvres Rees Mogg into acknowledging that we might have chaos and loss.of jobs in the short term but that in 50 years we might see massive benefits from Brexit.

This has long been my concern but of course those in power or with inherited wealth will likely be fine.


Rees Mogg is a massive budgie.

He is, but I have a begrudging respect for him, well anyone infact that can be so upfront about their desire to make their (and people like them) life better. You know what you’re fighting with Rees Mogg.

It’s the cunts that try to tell you that they care about others whilst slowly shafting them that I reserve the most bile for.

Fucking cheek to hide behind… ‘‘you’re proposing a very simple question about a vey complex series of circumstance or words to that effect’’… in effect saying he cant answer, yet he was happy expecting the electorate to do so… massive cunt



Why is timmy sniffing his arse?



We all knew the Tories were going to fuck Brexit up. Before Cameron even left, I said we’d have a load of less talented second stringers in charge. They had already been fucking the country up for seven years, but were getting away with it due to a largely soft-soaping press that treated the austerity measures as an unavoidable point of truth.

The Conservatives have always had their pals in the media. They still do, and if nothing else, they’re a party that crafts a decent line, true or not, and stands behind it no matter what, or at least until the lady is for turning. Some might argue that they’ve had even more cover than usual, what with whatever Corbyn is this week taking up a depressingly large share of the headlines.

With Brexit, they don’t have that. There is an international media focus, coupled with journalists that are going to be utterly unafraid to stray from the line that would normally be walked here.

They can, and largely have managed to bury the violence in Derry and other parts of the North of Ireland, while being propped up by a party likely to be affiliated with the antagonists.

But they can’t bury Brexit. They’re on the international stage, every day, fucking up, for everyone to see. They’re pilloried in their own press for betraying the spirit of Brexit. Every fucking day.

May called an election unnecessarily and lost it. Her only justification to the public was that she was being opposed in Parliament. Hmm. Since then, she has lost minister after minister. We’re way beyond second stringers now.

Whatever collection of Tory freaks turns up to contest the next General Election should be roundly beaten by Corbyn’s Labour, even if that pack of splitters decides to go their own way.

There’s your fucking EU.

As Greece’s high season for wildfires is coming, the country’s firefighting service said it’s not prepared, lacking enough equipment and vehicles.

The Hellenic Association of Fire Service Officers issued the warning as Greece has cut back on essential services to appease international creditors.

Still, at least those that want to be seen as “not a racist” for living in this symbolic paradise will be happy.

If the cap fits, wear it.

Around 80 people will never be wearing anything but funeral wear. If they can be identified.

Pap - with all due respect leave it out. It’s a tragic loss of life. Leave the EU bashing for a little bit eh?

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Interesting article. Most help seems to be coming from their neighbours, or close neighbours, but would be a natural reaction for those people.
Are any neighbouring countries helping Greece and is the EU bloke just jumping on board of others natural response to a neighbour in need?

"The EU stands with the Swedish government and the Swedish people during their emergency. I thank all countries for their quick offers of help through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, "said EU Development Commissioner Christos Stylianides in the press release.

Would be very strange if no one is helping Greece and would(rightfully) never be forgotten and often used by @pap

I don’t think the EU is due any respect, neither do I think the argument should be shut down when the cuts are a direct result of EU decisions.

And frankly, those poor, needlessly lost souls, that either burned or suffocated to death cannot speak for themselves.

That article is from May 2016. The world was warned, just as it was before Grenfell. No-one on this site gave a clean fuck about folk pointing that out then, when a near-literal 24 storey tombstone still smouldered in London.

No-one was saying “quiet down, think of the dead!” because everybody already was, who might be responsible for the problems, and who to lay the finger of blame onto.

Given the double standard, I cannot help but wonder whether the sudden “respect” for those that have died can be switched on and off, depending on whether the culprit is a Conservative council or government, or the inexplicably beloved EU.

Worse, I don’t think you can have lived in the last five years or on this thread and feign ignorance on this issue. I have been banging on about the poor treatment of Greek citizens since 2014, when I first heard someone from the now defunct Syriza talk about conditions there. Parents were voluntarily putting their kids into state care, with all its attendant miseries, just so they’d be fed.

The Greeks were given bills they couldn’t pay on pain of having their entire monetary system cut off.

If we can sit here and blame Theresa May for rising fire deaths and violent deaths through cuts to those essential services, I utterly fail to see why similar criticisms don’t apply to an organisation that has imposed austerity on Greece to the point where scores of people have died due a forest fire.

I am well aware that no Remainer supports this. However, all Remainers voted for an organisation that enables this, just as Tory voters enable our home-grown cunts and the havoc they wreak.

So what’s the difference? Why is it okay to criticise our government and its most frenzied acolytes for things like Grenfell, but insensitive when the EU bears responsibility?

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Don’t doubt that EU sanctions have had an effect on Greece’s ability to fund essential services, but that did not directly result in the fire that has caused these deaths. From what I have read there is no law in place to stop new developments being built on burnt ground, something the Greek government has failed to address leading to multiple acts of arson (one report on the Herald website you linked claims that this recent fire in Greece is suspected to be arson) so that the land can be profited from. I can see the point you’re making and to some extent I agree but there are certainly other factors involved in these tragic deaths.

There are always other factors. That is why a strong state has decent services, and even then, that is sometimes not enough. Sweden has one of the highest public taxation burdens in the EU. They should have the money to cope with this, but other factors turned it into something they couldn’t.

The Greek government has fuck all but a bill telling them how many billions they’ve got to bung to the French banks their misery is bailing out.

Shit happens. That’s why we have emergency services. As we’ve seen through our own experience, when those services are not funded, even worse shit happens.

A well provisioned service literally makes the difference between life and death. How many needlessly died so that the Troika could get its money?

You just can’t let it lie can you. Anything to twist the argument to suit Brexit and belittle anyone with the temerity to want to stay in the EU and make it work. Using “facts” to suit your argument and ignoring anything else.

Ok, you’ve worked the loss off life into your response - being burned to death isn’t on my top 1000 ways to go.

I don’t very often get angry with the attitudes / positions of posters on here but you’ve hit a nerve with me today.

I’m going to flounce off until tomorrow.


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