👨 👨🏽 👨🏿 Black Lives Matter protest

Originally posted by @CB-Saint

All lives matter.

Downvoted twice for that!!!

OK how about No lives matter


I thought we’d already established that black lives do matter. Not a case of if.

Silly comment anyway which seems ignorant of the fact that many people have put themselves in harm’s way for their political convictions.

gd joke CB, sorry to see pap giving you the po-faced Fatso treatment


I believe that equality is the aim of the campaign, not preferential treatment - a better slogan might be Black Lives Matter Too.

Which could also be the next film in the franchise.


How would you start that sentence if I can’t use an “if”. Fucking hell Pap, lighten up

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I don’t need to be told Black lives matter, all lives matter, like Jarhead the film when the soldiers complain about the unoriginality of the music being played in the war this strikes me of a huge American copycat that is so different.
We’re not American thankfully in this regard, if this is an issue about poor detention of Blacks in police custody then let it be said, lets be adult and honest.


The problem with these type of protests in my opinion is that they will only get sympathy from the people that already believe in the cause, anyone who is not interested or not up to speed on the topic is more likely to be annoyed that they can’t get to work or go on their holiday. I don’t subscribe to twitter but I’m willing to guess these are the 2 main themes on this topic.


I’ll let bletch handle this.

I could do it myself, but he’s a fucking master at it.

I’m hanging here in anticipation.

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Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I’m hanging here in anticipation.



I’ve been waiting for the first frm rape. Not sure who will enjoy it more tho, phil or beltch.

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This all because you reponded to the original post Bearsy :lou_angry:

The last time I thought I was raped it was a Thai tart who just wanted to finish me off early :lou_lol:

Whist waiting for Bletch’s or Pap’s response I’ll add its politically immature to do this this way, one the anniversary of Duggan’s death it will only harden and reinforce opinion of him, people are going on their holidays and this with kids in the departure lounge will not help the protesters cause I can guarantee that much.

Bletch doesn’t seem to be around at the moment, so I’ll offer my take on this. He did a version of this for the benefit of a mate’s girlfriend, who’d spent a lot of time in South Africa, and was making similar statements about why black people in a white culture like ours should have special consideration, or be treated any differently.

None of us passes-as-white people really knows what its like to not pass as white. We are the norm, the dominant racial grouping, dominant in culture, dominant in wage earning potential and dominant in not getting stopped by the OB for driving a nice motor.

The problem is endemic. Many institutions that would ordinarily act as normalisers, things that bring people together, are institutionally racist. How do minorities ever get a fair shake from the coppers, for example, if those organisations are making it extremely difficult to join.

I’ve said this before, but it doesn’t hold now - but the closest I ever got to feeling what it must feel like to be a minority in this country was when my best mate was living in Streatham. I’d get there via Brixton, and being one of the few white dudes in a huge crowd of black dudes was an experience that I never thought would be as profound as it was. Not as effective now that Brixton is gentrified.

And as for black music, black awards and that stuff. That is not a cue for whitey to get fucked off over what they see as special treatment. Our civilisation has been going millennia in various forms, our culture is dominant and rooted. We should celebrate those who make a mark here.

Eventually, no-one’s going to give a shit about the achievements of a specific minority. It’s not like there are nightclubs doing Huguenot hardcore. Why not recognise the achievements of relatively newly arrived cultures making a positive difference in the country?

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meh I’m waiting for the big knob. I’ve got to pop off now, can someone let me know what time the rape is happening so I can come back and watch?

Laters xx

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What is institutional racism? Pap you going to Brixton is the sort of shite white empathy that no one needs, Jesus wept, speak as you find and you’ll be fine, I see a person and never ever a colour, I don’t ever see a religion either I see a person, I don’t define someone by a colour.

What about Zimbabwe?

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If you’re talking about the MOBOs, it’s Music of a Black Origin, not ‘Awards for Black People Only’. It was set up to celebrate a particular musical culture, not a particular race. White people can win awards there too, shock horror… even Jessie J won some, but I don’t think she’s black (correct me if I’m wrong).

I think the organisers of the MOBOs kind of try to play down the ‘black’ thing nowadays anyway, saying they represent ‘urban’ music… “What about all those rural balladeers though?”, I hear you cry, “Why aren’t they represented? It’s an outrage!”

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Is it? I wasn’t aware white people were a race.

Confusing this, innit?