❄ Are you a woke bloke? (MoM approved)

This piece pretty much sums up the way I see it.

So basically it was Starmer that weaponized the Brianna Ghey event to wriggle off the hook he got himself onto having tied himself up in knots over gender identity

Life is the longest death sentence…there we have another anomaly.

Avoidance by diversion. Oldest political trick in the book.

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Maybe a danger if you fall off your penny farthing maybe, but….

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Did someone call?

It’s only taken about 60 years…

you what govner

they will ban Roots next

Apparently, the offending slur is “Hottentot”.

How many kids these days would have ever heard that term, or have the slightest idea what it referred to?

Is it German for “hot to trot”?


I have questions…

Are these scientists daring to presume the whale’s gender?? :rage::rage::rage::rage:

Let alone their pronouns

I’d ask whether they were Great Whites, but I suppose that would be racist. :unamused::smile:

So I’ll settle for suggesting that they’re probably Sperm Whales.


“Don’t start wearing dresses, you’ll look like a cunt.” ? :thinking:

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Pink eyeshadow doesn’t work?


I think I know where the marketing director of Bud Light went after he got fired


I can imagine there might be a few “what the fuck have you done” conversations at PepsiCo today