AI will have a bigger impact on society than the industrial revolution and society isn't ready

Two weeks of broken rib pain :laughing:

Imagine if you were a robot. You’d have no pain. You could be Mr Data from Next Generation.

I can’t see any robots filming cricket for 10 hours.

Bring on the Robot revolution tbh and film cricket please

They’d be perfect for it. No emotion, just doing a job. No boredom or wanking over ipl cheerleaders.

That’s my job

Except you can’t help but wank over the ipl cheerleaders

Neil deGrasse is a twat, I’ll try and find some better stuff.

AI is already applied in all sorts of everyday things and far more in the scope of exploration and weaponry.

Everyone’s going to get ASS fucked Ted. Yes everyone, because the Automated Service Sector can do all your jobs faster, better and cheaper. Last 4 minutes for people in good jobs.

If that doesn’t appeal, you’d better hope this happens.

Just to pick up on this bold bit - I definitely do NOT need to have meaning in my life, thankyouverymuch. If I did I most certainly wouldn’t be on here wasting my time until the grim reality of death’s icy grip is felt around the empty meaningless throat of my existence…

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On a serious note, this is exactly why a Universal Basic Income should (and hopefully will) occur in time. If technology is able to replace jobs, ‘automatically’ generating revenue and resources then I believe the benefits should be distributed across a nation’s citizens.

Can you imagine wiping out abject povery, just like that? The sheer number of people that could be liberated and empowered. No longer feeling like criminals when so many are mere victims of circumstance. The Job Centre itself could be hugely scaled back and far less bureaucratic, saving millions in itself.

It might sound utopian now, but I genuinely believe it needn’t be.


The genie is out of the bottle now. There is no going back. Where humans can be relaced by AI they surely will be. Look on the bright side. It will give millions more more time to sit down and write bollocks on internet forums (until a bot is invented that will do that for us).

Happy days!

Dont worry Ant, the rich will still find ways to keep the plebs off of the decent golf courses and out of the yacht clubs. Utopia will only ever be for the well off.

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Oh, definitely. UBI wouldn’t even the class system at all as we’re talking relatively meagre amounts (and being universal, rich and poor alike would receive it). The exciting part for me is trying to ensure that no person sits at the point of having nil.

UBI is really not the only solution. Scandi countries are already trialling it. It’s not a solution really, just a sticking plaster on a flawed economic endgame. Shareholder profits will always eclipse anything including any thought of how it affects society.

UBI also locks in 90% (or whatever) of people into a basic allowance to live on. That’s not freedom in my book.1

Sorry got all serious there :astonished: