OK, who turned off the heating in the UK?
Oh poor you.
That will be the Tories under one of their austerity budgets. Then they will blame it on the new Labour Govt not paying the Sun tax.
Oh how sad.
We’ve just had a severe hest warning.
32C already.
Not sunny per se more of a Phuket Tropical steamy cloud cover going on.
Mrs P_F will love her 2.5km walk before/after her train rifmde to get here with my Chicken Noodle soup about 2pm
Is Blumenthal opening a new restaurant in Poland?
Strangely, in my multiple trips to Polperro, I’ve never seen the tide in…
That’s the Tories for you…
Now moved on to Bude and delighted to see I can now drive home without passing through a single Conservative constituency (and only 2 Labour)
The SW is LibDem again.
Lufthansa wasnt crap.
BBut oh I got a laugh and almost a round of applause.
I am crippled so I’m in my aisle seat early.
Gen Z (female) stops by my seat. American
You are in my seat get out of my way.
“I cannot”
She shouts get out my way. Twice.
In a polite best Oxford Accent loud voice I reply -
I would hapoily get out of your way and stand up to let you in. But you and your bag are in the way.
Lots of swearing she puts her bag up sideways .
Loud voice "that is not very polite where will the other passengers put their luggage. Obviously standing in her way.
She swears.
Stewardess tells her to move her bag or it will be placed in the hold.
THEN she sat in my aisle seat.
Stewardess "This gentleman paid for this seat because he has limited mobility. You will take your assigned seat or be offloaded
I really enjoyed the flight after that. Doing the armrest thing and everything.
Now bored at Frankfurt refusing to pay €6 PLUS order food in order to have a beer at the bar and certainly not stooping to drinking a supermarket can of Becks for €5
Only an hour to wait.
Less than an hour from our front door to sat on board with a glass of wine in hand
I could get used to that
An hour delayed in Frankfurt.
Daughter met me in Bordeux headed north towards Angolmere then turned off to Yviers near the village of Chalais.
Saw a few Perseids last night, Daughter had to collect hubby & kids who landed at 1am after 2 hour delay.
But all good.
Village Market (€18 for a Rotisserie Chicken?)
Did Inter Marche.
Did Village Caves for Pineau Blanc
Owner loved me - I asked him for the best €5 wine in his shop so he serenaded us with local choices.
Will review later.
Am basivlcally in Cognac Pineau country…
Fuck me is Bletch there, looks like you’ve got two of his shirts as cushion covers.
Penguin suit night tonight
Shirt looked like I had slept in it
Off down the laundrette only to find 10 other blokes waiting to use the solitary iron
All were first time cruisers - reckon the old hands knew this and got their shit sorted out earlier in the day
Meh, you’re wearing a penguin suit, they’ll never notice the creases
What are the odds on that?? Ten single men on the same cruise.