Just saying…
No hamsters? Try xhamsters
No honey because when we lifted the pot it was still full of bees that decided they did not like the humans raiding their pantry.
We left quickly
What everyone needs today.
Sweep singing Nesdun Dorma
Very pretty cat, the absolute image of Dolaire, the bar cat across the road from where I stay in Thailand. Sadly she pushed her luck last year and got bitten by a Malayan pit viper. Much missed.
Why does she think she’s a beaver?
The late Betty Saarni the previous owner of my classic Karmann Ghia was a very talented artist. Betty was also a dog lover…this is one of her pictures from the 1950s of her Niece and her Cocker Spaniel, Sunny. Looks like our Cocker Spaniel…
That dog is off his tits
That’s the face I pull when lying to the Ayatollah about how much I had down the pub
Thats just a snail without a house
He’s taking the hiss.