😆 When I Saw This I Laughed Or At Least I Smiled Or At Least I Wasn't Bored

Just go tthis e-mail at work, Occulus Rift is one of the new VR technologies for those that don’t know

Good Morning All

Please could I remind everyone to sterilise, clean, antiseptic wipe all items that are being trialled and given back

This is imperative we do this as I like to think we pride ourselves in Health & Safety

It has been bought to my attention that the Occulus Rift has been returned smelling of vomit, please can I re-iterate how important it is to sanitise after use

Please be aware that the Occulus Rift can cause nausea and motion sickness………

Well I will not be buying one as I spend zero days folding clothes and it would put one of my house maids out of work.


Germans get a trolling:



The ASA have banned this ad, 9 people complained :-

The Advertising Standards Authority disagreed, it seems. A whole NINE people complained to the watchdog, because it could “encourage unsafe practice” and features “behaviour that could be dangerous for children to copy”.

Maddeningly, the ASA upheld the complaints, ruling that the ad could lead to kids accidentally cutting their hands or fingers, because “it is unlikely that consumers would be as proficient as the actors at flipping and twirling the cans around.”

They go on:

“We told Heinz to ensure that future ads did not condone or encourage behaviour that prejudiced health and safety, including behaviour that could be dangerous for children to emulate, for example by featuring open tin cans being used to play music.”

The authority have ordered Heinz not to broadcast the advert again in its current form.

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Germans get a trolling:

I have run this past a couple of QI elves ( no , I really have) and apparently this is a hoax - which is a bloody shame

10 minutes to fold a shirt???

The Ayatollah can iron and fold two in that time

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Getting in the Christmas spirit and now going to design my own realistic Christmas cards.

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Gotta love good old Viz.



I know a Brian on here, that this could be referring to!

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