😆 When I Saw This I Laughed Or At Least I Smiled Or At Least I Wasn’t Bored MK II

I read the headline for that earlier and went into @scotty mode thinking what the bizarre cork incident could be :slight_smile:


It always upsets me when I see people at Crewe Railway Station do not get on another train and climb the stairs to leave the station. I assume the poor bastards probably live in the Crewe area.

I punch the air when they turn out to be smokers who really do have another train to catch.


But fair.

Someone’s not impressed with the Rangers game…

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Lol - but :man_facepalming:


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In my defence, I did think twice :grin:


Unbelievable. What a cunt.

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Not really, no. :smile:

I see the miserable, humourless buggers at the local council have removed the plaque, which is a shame. I thought it was a nice tribute to Huw and it must have brightened up the day for most people who sat there. Some people have no soul. I would be very proud to think that someone would pay tribute to me like that after I’ve gone.


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Still not 1 vote for Lana.
Poor girl, the psychological damage must be huge

142 retweets, 3,456 likes

Who is Lana Rhoades?

Is this like the singer I didn’t recognise yesterday?

This site needs to acknowledge most of us are middle age old farts (excluding @SimplySaint & @JxgrSaint - and apologies to other youngsters)

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I have no idea.
However in any other context Mrs P_F would be proud of me if…

I don’t think it really matters who she is, I have no clue either.