:trumpdumb: Trumped!

Oh this is flakenews


Mr Memory Man

Trump Brags About Having ‘One Of The Great Memories Of All Time’

Someone should ask him about the 39 Steps.

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It’s C-Span, but watch from 7 mins in for about 10 mins. Bill Browder, he’s a UK citizen and one of the bravest people. Only through pressure was his US visa allowed.


Now THIS is how you quit your job!


I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Twitter employee ‘deactivated’ Trump account on last day - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41854482


I only got this from the link @dubai_phil

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:).

Trump has trumped you and had it removed ?

Or it possibly is a dangerous path to go down?

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Another mass shooting, in a church and at least 20 dead(27 according to a medical technician). Suspect dead, but no mention of Muslims.

Sickening loss for one family.

A heavily pregnant woman, three of her children and her father-in-law have been identified as five of the 26 victims of the mass shooting in a Texas church on Sunday.

And all you here from the orange idiot are these statements.

“We have a lot of mental health problems in our country, as do other countries, but this isn’t a guns situation.

Really, then tell me one other western country that has the mass shootings that Americans enjoy?

Fortunately somebody else had a gun that was shooting in the opposite direction, otherwise it wouldn’t have been as bad as it was, it would have been much worse.

The perpetrator died miles away. How exactly could it have been much worse?

Who would ever think a thing like this could every happen?

Anyone who has watched American news you mental orange blob. Forgot Vagas already?


That deserved an update for “you mental orange blob”

What the Gun Lobby are saying in effect is Americans are expendable. Your right to carry a gun is more important than curbing the excessive use of them on their population.

Then you get, normally rational people, justifing the unjustifiable…I know plenty of them.

If you challenge them on it, they tell you you don’t know what you’re talking about. :lou_facepalm_2:


The claim that it’s not a gun thing is fucking ridiculous.

Yes, Donald, we have people with mental health issues too. They typically aren’t armed.



The numbers do seem to back this up.

"America would have to find new jobs for about 2,110 people if the shooter’s manufacturer, Sturm, Ruger, & Co., shut down entirely.

At the beginning of October, 11,600 Americans had been killed by gun violence so far in 2017."



Apparently Jong-un has called The Donster “old” and he has responded by saying that he would never call Jong-un “short and fat.” Good to know when the nukes are flying over head that the two who started WW3 have the mentality of pre-pubescent schoolboys.


He also says he’s a very good mediator too


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Clearly he is because he would never call someone like Jong-un short and fat, so well suited!

Interesting article.


This bloke makes up policy on the hoof it seems. Cunt