šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ’£ The US Presidential Race

Originally posted by @BTripz

Fuck sake Pap weā€™ve got just under 12 months to go yet, the republicans havenā€™t even decided who theyā€™re going to put forward either.

Early bird catches the Big Bitching Bob as well as the worm, it would seem :lou_wink_2:

Youā€™re right. It is early, but thatā€™s the sort of site this is, discussing the election of another country a year in advance.

And as the maxim goes, a year from now youā€™ll wish you started it now.

Personally Iā€™d go for Huillary then, when asked about her relationaship with Bill, she can say ā€œI did not have sex with that man!ā€

Bernie Sanders for me, I reckon :lou_surprised:

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Now that the US has had its first black President perhaps the time has come for them to elect a trannie?

I am unconvinced (letā€™s say) by HC.

Obviously would like to avoid a Republican.

Hope that a miracle might occur and a ā€˜progressiveā€™ makes it. Are there any around this time or are they all skint?

Was not Bernie Sandersā€¦ Guiness share scandal? Of course that was Earnie Saundersā€¦but a bit toooo close in my book, better stick with a Clinton as at least you know you will get a decent cigar

Trump vs Bush. Quite interesting :lou_smiley:

Starting to see why Trump is popular. Would probably be a disaster, but can definitely see why people like him.

The best thing is Bush saying brother Dubya ā€œkept us safeā€. The sheer balls of the man.

I voted Trump for the comedy factor, come on it will be funny.

The Clintons are like the Blairs and that is enough to put me off, money grabbing grubby little bastards, they are not left they merely pretend to be.

You will neeed to amend the voting by, when people drop out allow any that have voted for them to vote again.

It would be even funnier if the gopher Hilary was elected.

Canā€™t help feeling that Hillary will be bounced away like she was last time. Everyone expected her to be taking the democratic nomination. When push came to shove, people got behind Obama. The interesting thing is that Sanders is the only Democrat still running that has a chance of stopping her.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I voted Trump for the comedy factor, come on it will be funny.

Comedy factor? The dude that wants the boarders closed, Mosqueā€™s shut down, Muslims tracked on a database, spouts white supremacist nonsense, and says Black Lives Matters deserved to be roughed up? Parts of this sound, familiar?

Anyway, following on from Trumpā€™s comments on BLM, 5 people were shot by White Supremacists at a BLM protest in Minneapolis last night. But yeah, comedy value right?

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Trump has also been going on about waterboarding, saying that the people theyā€™ve detained without charge ā€œdeserved itā€ and that heā€™d go further.

Check out ā€œWhere my country goneā€, a South Park episode released this year which brilliantly lampoons Trumpā€™s candidacy.

Do you think honestly he would shut a border down?
How would he do that?
Do you also think he would close all Mosqueā€™s?
Do you really think so?
He is pulling back on the database thing and its also against their constitution, he is making populist noise.
I donā€™t have enough information concerning the shootings.
He is popular and saying what people actually think and right or wrong its refreshing, I disagree with our politicians as they all sound the same and donā€™t want to offend and I find that more offensive and patronising, I hate the extreme right as much as I do the extreme left , right on sandal wearing fascist killjoy pc health and safety apologists Country hating whoppers.

I find it interesting that someone who has been accused of having bigoted and possibly racist views finds the demonstrably bigoted, racist and made up (by Neo-Naziā€™s on Stormfront) views refreshing, and ā€˜what people actually thinkā€™.

It doesnā€™t really matter if he can or cannot achieve those things, that rhetoric is dangerous and is having real world consequences for those he is targetting. Considering the power and stature of the States, it should be a concern that a man basically running on a White Supremacist ticket is gaining some support, also that no-one seems to have the bollocks to tackle his outright lies. How you can find that ā€˜refreshingā€™ is baffling, especially against the backdrop of the racial tensions currently present in the States.

Also, that last sentence. Arenā€™t you the one that always complains how much you hate name calling? Just thrown a bunch of mythical bogeymen into one sentence, that makes a compelling argument. Sure.

How is he doing in the polls again, how did he get to the top?
If you think a politician believes what he says then you are soft in the head, he says it to get power or retain it nothing more.
Idealism has no place in politics hence old Jezza who I like wont last long.
You obviously are struggling with American constitution, freedom of speech.

Yes it is refreshing to see someone speak their mind regardless of whether its right or wrong, we only have Dianne Abbot here for that nowadays and she is a bellend. Gordon Brown got in deep shit for saying crap about Gillian Duffy.
Case and point there I think.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

How is he doing in the polls again, how did he get to the top? If you think a politician believes what he says then you are soft in the head, he says it to get power or retain it nothing more.

Right, that still doesnā€™t really address anything I actually said. I said itā€™s concerning that someone is running on a White Supremacist ticket, especially given the racial tensions present in the country right now.

Whether he believes it or not (I really think he does - given there is more than a little evidence to suggest so) is irrelevant. Itā€™s reinforcing the ideas of White Supremacists. Who are extremely dangerous. They are growing, and they are responsible for more violent deaths in America than those evil Muslims in the past 15 years.

Cry all you want about pc gone mad, but the truth is, words of consequences. Speech is an extremely powerful tool. If you spout hate, to people that already hate, and they go out and start killing people. That is a problem.

Idealism has no place in politics hence old Jezza who I like wont last long. You obviously are struggling with American constitution, freedom of speech.

Again, this is meaningless. How exactly am I stuggling Baz? What exactly have I said that is contradiction of the 1st Amendment? Itā€™s perfectly legitimate to say this this person has shitty ideas, and is saying shitty and dangerous things. Itā€™s almost, like I dunno, my free speech to say what he is saying is bullshit. That said, I donā€™t think you should be able to outright lie in an attempt to win an election. Doubly so when those lies are racist as fuck.

Yes it is refreshing to see someone speak their mind regardless of whether its right or wrong, we only have Dianne Abbot here for that nowadays and she is a bellend. Gordon Brown got in deep shit for saying crap about Gillian Duffy. Case and point there I think.

I think you missed the point of that whole furore. If anything, Gordon would be part of your pc patrol, calling her a bigot, for asking where all the Eastern Europeans were coming from. Yā€™know, something you donā€™t like hearing. So no, no case or point there really.

Gillian Duffy was right to ask the question, the pc ealisy offendd whopper comes out with the standard bigoted comment which is exactly what an extreme lefter does (Brown strangely is middle ground Labour as he knew where his bread was/is buttered), he honestly though a woman with a valid concern was a racist, all to common is this mock shock World.

That is interesting, Barry. In my dimension, obviously running parallel to yours, Gillian Duffy got all the sympathy because Brown dismissed genuine concerns about the pressures of immigration as bigotry.

Do you have flying cars in your particular instance of reality, Bazza? We donā€™t. People made a big thing of it this year because of the Back to the Future anniversary.

Again mock shock was express for Duffy and she was used by the right for their agenda, its easy to understand.

Brown got found out for what he thought of the voter and a person asking a relevant question.

Donā€™t you have burning cars where youā€™re fromā€¦

Mock shock is starting to lose its mock shock value.

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