I said this the other day as I walked into the office - the kids thought I was mental
I keep forgetting I am older than half their dads
Did you explain, and did they look at each other and say “bless…”?
Give me the money now…
No wonder the miserable Scottish lite cunt has been doing Engerland down so much - he smells money
For once, there is drama and no one can blame me.
I am sure England will triumph. Southgate knows how to get us over the line and football justice will be done as Spain Are only there due to very dodgy penalty decision…
Sadly, I suspect the money will go elsewhere as Gareth licks his lucky underpants again
Yes! i congratulate you on winning. Although I have to say that had we had anyone decent in our group, we would have been home a few weeks ago… is the way of Southgate!
Fixed for you, lesson for next time
At the moment, @Saint-Rob has £10 profit and @Map-of-Mauritania £15
Agreed, I think lady luck has had a fair hand in our current situation!
Get behind the lads
And the barricades
Viva Espana!!!
OK, what’s next on Superbru?
Oh, the Premier League.
Congrats on the win!!
Could @Saint-Rob and @Map-of-Mauritania please forward me their bank/paypal details and I will furnish them with their winnings.
@Map-of-Mauritania wins £40
@Saint-Rob wins £20
The £60 to charity has yet to be decided, which charity?
Will PM you details this evening when I’m home from work. As for charity, my vote goes to anything supporting childrens causes (e.g. food poverty or protection/support), cancer or Alzheimer’s/Dementia.
Happy with any health charity and I will add the winners pot to it as well.