šŸ¦ šŸ“° The :saints: Social Media thread


Probably because of this one

The owners have put a huge amount of faith in developing RMā€™s possession game. I really donā€™t think it likely heā€™ll be sacked if we donā€™t go up, especially given the absolute state of the club when he arrived. Iā€™d say itā€™s miraculous that weā€™re at this stage of the season and still in with a chance of promotion.

However if he does go, given what heā€™s achieved here his stock is going to be very high. I canā€™t think heā€™d be out of a job for long.


Well said Scotty. Itā€™s ludicrous that there is even speculation regarding RMā€™s position.


TBF the British Heart Foundation is probably lobbying to get him sacked given the potential number of heart attacks caused by the team constantly trying to play out from the back

Plus it was the daily fail.
I posted it more to balance the Adam Blackmore comments.

What are you, the BBC? :smile:


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We have left the honeymoon period and are now rapidly approaching the 18 month fan entitlement period, where your average football fan suffers collective amnesia, disregards how far we have come and now views the status quo to be underperforming

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Will we have any backroom staff left?
Where is the replacement DoF FFS?




What a guy, looks like he hasnā€™t slept for a week!

And respect to the Dxb Krew who are keeping up the standards!

Stewy Arma leaves the club. Not the biggest surprise but still gutted


Martin set to sign extension to Southampton deal -

We could be up and down like a whoreā€™s drawerā€™s in that time.

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ā€¦and Premier League Champions x 3. :crazy_face:

I will have some of what you are smoking please.

Mailing a Kipper to you Royal Mailā€¦donā€™t expect it any time soon. :+1:

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You could DHL it but even that takes about 2 months to get through EG customs.

In fact do send it to EG it may liven up the customs house for a time.

Please Label it food parcel for Political prisoners held by EG government.

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