🍻🍷 The Map of 🇲🇷 Booze thread whatever the title says (or is changed to when moderately intoxicated)

Impressive - I am down 2 Gins, a couple of Pelforths, 2 glasses of Red … and we have a. It’s of Sanserre chilling for dinner so I am going to be at leat twatted if not fully cunted



Most of mine are unavailable for including… programmmer too cunted

Another free round of golf tomorrow. 2 days before an England WC game again.
Annoyingly I had a bottle of wine and couple of pints of Bacardi & Coke pre golf pre game
After washing my lucky tent t-shirt & undies
The things I do for England


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I’ve run out of alcohol. I’ve had to open a bottle of Disarono that’s been in the back of the cupboard for ages. It’s fucking horrible. The first sip was nice and unusual and each subsequent sip got progressively worse and it was a battle to finish it. Must stop off at shops on way to work and stock up on whiskey and wine.

Eek. Mixing the grape and grain.
Sick day tomorrow?

Cunts, all of you, even you old lady in the pub that I’d never seen before who was crying after the game tonight C U N T S!!
Oh and the pissed twat who did’t understand what playing pool for fun was and insisted that we play for money or a beer or something


Lol at Big Grumpy Bob shouting at clouds.

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Bike ride is officially cancelled for now… head hurts


Yikes 10am already?
So much to do today.
Or maybe later.

More like a shit day. It’s pouring out of me.


I carried on from last night so another half. Case of San Miguel down and some Tanduay to finish me off before an early night.

Is it time for a snooze yet?

Has there been a Zombie apocalypse overnight?
Nobody answering emails, whats app messages, phone calls.
Should have stayed in bed.

Oh wait I have.

Where is everybody…?

Damn Discourse


I’m well over a thousand bottles of wine down and showing no signs of stopping.



Stop dumping (icon) on me @saintbletch!

You can fuck off.

I make you a badge and you don’t even use it.

You’re dead to me.

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Keep going fella

Am working my way up to a hangover to have to drink through so I feel vaguely normal / happy after Engerland come 4th.
