🍻🍷 The Map of 🇲🇷 Booze thread whatever the title says (or is changed to when moderately intoxicated)

No. You use this now…


The missus and I went out tonight. Leaving do for a person I last worked with nine years ago. Very good to catch up with folk.

One bloke there was also leaving, and had been responsible for many other people leaving in the last nine years, the constant of many exit interviews, including mine.

Gave him proper, justified pelters. Nevertheless, feel a bit shit about it now.

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He deserves it papster. Sounds like a cunt. Thanks


You created it. Use it.



Edit: G’night

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Continuing the discussion from :evertonfc: Everton v Saints :saints: (PL):


@saintbletch doesn’t use the “c” word anymore- he’s a :mapoftasmania:

We got home from hols. But. Oh, I’m up now @ 4:40am as Young Adult has gone out with precisely £38 and has txtd to say she is now out clubbing…prob doesn’t have enough for a taxi/ Uber…ffs

Young Adult just poured herself through the door. Had enough for a cab. Me back to bed for second time. G’night.


We had two encounters. During one, I told him I heard he was leaving. He says “the time is right”.

“Finally got your number, did they?”.

He tried scarpering later in order to escape more pappering, but it was not to be.

“So how do you measure your tenure? Is it just years, do you count the number of careers you messed up, or do you just count the number of nervous breakdowns you caused?”

Don’t feel as bad about it this morning.


I know, right.

I mean, where do they learn that sort of behaviour?

I blame the parents tbf.

Its who’s Pickled on a Friday night thread. @Cobham-Saint
I blame the kids tbf.

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And one of the ones I got wrong is only stocked in my local Sainsbury’s


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Eid Mubarak one and all. (It’s the Haj one with Devil Stoning and stuff so for us it is Big Eid 3 day break not 2
If you are in Public Service you have this whole week off. Us mere minions have Monday-Wednesday off meaning weekend one day 3 days one day weekend.
And tonight is a dry night anyway so all the pubs are shut.
I need a drink after calculating all that

And of course the ONLY thing to do in this weather? Nothing absolutely sodding nothing. It is like a Sauna outdoors

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Yep me again. Bottle of wine shared this afternoon after my parents and their 3 dogs have left the flat. May help us get a good nights sleep after the bashment music party finished at 3am (to be fair I got to sleep at 12:30am and woke a bit at 1:45 then slept until 9am. I have some goooood earplugs.


I remember studying lots of religions in school but when I hear a colleague say she was off for Eid I was like ‘again?’. Must learn more.

Ramadan is a month of fasting. It ends with little Eid. A two day feast of thanks if you like.
45 days later we have big Eid. (Although 45 days means maybe 46 or 44 or… because the festival’s are dictated by the lunar calendar…)
Big Eid is a celebration of the Haj, or pilgrimage that every Muslim should make to Mecca.
Yes you should read a bit more, unless you are a staunch Remainer, both are critical pillars of the faith of a large percentage of the planet. Equally, CNN covers Haj in great detail and explain it very well.
Equally everyone should learn more about Buddha and his tooth…
etc etc
Not to be an expert, but to at least understand the significance to people they may deal with at work or in social situations


Absolutely agree in needing to know more as I work with people from all over the world. Just hard to retain it all at times.

Detail is not needed. Only understanding.
I don’t need the detail of a Saints Training Session on Facebook to Understand we do sod all at training every day :lou_eyes_to_sky:

You lost me on football talk.

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