😆 Schadenfreude

That was the general idea but alas the scene does not start with ‘you find this thread funny’? :wink:

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Might be worth dropping this here.

Give it a read.

I’m not making any statements by posting it or responding to any subsequent comments apart from saying read it in the context of some of the above posts.


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It’s the worlds worst wedgie

Instant karma: Sex attacker gropes female train passenger… and then loses his arm when tram hits hi…

The butchering of the English language in this is also grim

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He will henceforth be known as “The One Arm Bandit.”

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Chasing a poor bear up a tree, then shooting it? Bear falls down and flattens his hunting partner. Serve the cunt right sez I, and the shooter should be stood over with a shot gun, given a knife and fork and made to eat it.


There’s some great comments on a couple of news sites regarding this story. My favourites.
I think the bear’s family should be allowed to chop the hunter’s head off and put it on their wall.

Thoughts and prayers to the bear’s family.

I didn’t have to read the article to figure out it was in the Southern US. Somewhere in a trailer park in Virginia, Ruthie Mae is looking for her fifth husband.
