šŸ‡»šŸ‡Ŗ Same old story in Venezuela?

Fucking whale-killers. Thatā€™s who you love.

Backward practice but we kill foxes so canā€™t say anything, Venezuela has human rights issues stemming back decades.

More to do with state, church and democracy to why Latin America is wank compared to Canada and the US in relevance of wanting to live there and making money, I donā€™t see 1000ā€™s of Yanks crossing the border to live in Bolivia or somewhere, do you?

Venezuelaā€™s literacy rate has skyrocketed in the past two decades. The number of people out of absolutely poverty has plummeted.

What human rights abuses have been recorded during the Chavez-Maduro era?

Do you have the UN resolutions handy?


If foxes werenā€™t living on potential fracking sites Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be left alone :lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2::lou_wink_2:

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Time for Barry to blubber, I reckon :wink:

No mate. Thatā€™s because I live in West Derby and you live in Cressington.

Thereā€™s a big problem with this article. Itā€™s bullshit basically.
Like this bit.

ā€œThe initial problem with this argument is that Venezuela is not a real democracy, as President Nicolas Maduro has been blatantly riggingā€

A links provided and it goes to this lie(not surprisingly itā€™s the bullshit broadcasting corporation).

There was no vote rigging(weā€™ve been over this before), so we know whoever wrote this, is either a gullible idiot, or a deliberate liar(you choose).
Iā€™ll be honest, i read no further, as the author quite clearly followed the bellendcat method of investigation.


West Derby/Norris Green has the crime rate of Latin America mindā€¦

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Thats good they can get eloquently get fucked then by a mismanaging Government.

Yeah but whales are Muslim, so deserve everything they get.

Hasnā€™t Jimmy Carter, former President of the USA, and a complete elections geek in later life, declared Venezuelaā€™s elections as some of the most transparent and fair heā€™s ever seen?


Fuck off with your facts. Venezuela bad. Russkis there causing big trouble.

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Oi! Leave West Derby out of it. Nice and peaceful here mate, a nice place to live. Now Norris Green, thatā€™s another story. Should be twinned with Baghdad!

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Yes, his group and quite a few others. Not much mention in the msm for some reason.

Point of order, the Yanks would have to cross a few other borders to get into Bolivia the last time I looked on a map.

Admittedly it was some time ago but I like to think Iā€™m not too geographically challengedā€¦

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Most of them donā€™t own a passport either.


Itā€™s just over the road. I feel like Colonel Jessop from A Few Good Men :slight_smile:

Just joshing Noggaz. Please donā€™t shoot my house up.

West Derby/Norris Green, the same side of a coin.

So why is Venezuela skint and Norway one of the best places on Earth to live? Its not that theyā€™re both out of the EU is it?