Saints V Watford Pre/Post Match Beers 13th August

Was good to see everyone* yesterday after the summer. Ditto Pap’s words for Sfcsim making the huge effort to come down for the beers and match. The beer was sold, the sun was out and the optimism for the season was present and correct.

*Once the holiday season is nearly over, I hope we get a full turnout from those regulars who were missing on Sat. The new Mrs B may be making her debut for Sunderland :lou_surprised:


In what version of reality is it ever wise to down 6 pints of Hobgoblin let alone after a bottle of wine.

Nightmare work day today. Need to make a note that WE need pretty season training so as not to get carried away.

Hope you don’t mind if I give the Spa Treatment, Back ,Sack and Crack Waxing and Pedicure a miss … bloody gayer :astonished:


Fair play!

Originally posted by @Rallyboy


Fair play!

Did someone say Carlisle?

Was good to meet you Rallyboy.

Looking forward to Sunderland. But after that could be a while!

Forgot to mention. Someone threatened to fill me in last night. I was saying goodbye to a mate in a pub, he was standing with some mush I didn’t know. Earlier in the evening, I’d asked if anyone wanted to play pool. This random mush declined at the time, so as I leave, I say quite jokingly that he chickened out of the game of pool. Threat of violence ensued. Now I’m no fighter, but if someone is serious about decking you, they just deck you. I’m largely unconcerned, explain that it was a joke, say another goodbye to my mate, now in a really awkward position.

I mentioned this to my middle bro, younger than me. Apparently, this will not stand. He gets animated when he or fam are disrespected. He really doesn’t do threats well. I tell him that I am not particularly arsed. I believed that to be the end of it.

Not so. My bro arrives at the old dear’s today. He has already been to our mate’s house, and awoken them all, bidding to find out who Mr Insta-Threat was. Within two hours, my bro’s phone goes, and the pool averse pugilist is apologising profusely. My bro is overusing terms like “fam”. The lad on the other end of the phone says he was off his head on Britain’s Fightiest Cocktail, coke and beer. My bro thanks him for getting back to us at the end.

Gotta say. Got mixed feelings about this. I don’t approve of many of the proposed initial means of redress and feel a little embarrassed that my younger bro is looking out for me. At the same time, I’m a bit proud of him. First, I’m touched that he’d go to such lengths just because someone threatened his fam. Second, I’m very pleased that he went for the Plan B of assertive diplomacy and permanent resolutions, as opposed to Plan A, “rip the cunts head off”, which might have led to more problems.

You’d better not tell him that you get called a cunt on here most days. :astonished:

He’d need to give up work to spend time sorting out people you’ve fallen out with.


Originally posted by @Rallyboy

You’d better not tell him that you get called a cunt on here most days. :astonished:

He’d need to give up work to spend time sorting out people you’ve fallen out with.

We’re southern. The C-Word shocks us cunts not. It’ll shock and offend him less. I can’t see him taking the cosh deterrent to the top table for something obviously so trivial.

He just goes mental over family shit.