⚠ 🚨 Emergency Alerts

They can track your phone anyway, nothing to do with the alerts.

They can track your phone if you’re on any network, no matter what speed, as long as you’re connected to a tower.

If you don’t want to be tracked don’t own s mobile phone.





I did get rid of the Huawei. I only want to be spied on by my own government, thank you very much. :rage::smile::smile:


Be Alert.
Britain needs Lerts

I remember when I first heard that joke. It was when I first heard an air raid siren when the Zeppelins flew over Southampton in 1915.


Well that was underwhelming.


If only I were in charge of that

What’s the saying?

The devil makes work for idle hands?



Brilliant. I get fuck all. Our caring sharing government in the event of a neuclear attack, omit to tell me. I wake up the following morning to find myself dead.

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Is it safe to come out of the bunker yet? I haven’t heard the All Clear. :thinking:

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At your age I’m surprised this isn’t a daily occurrence.

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Is the porn stash safe?

Thank you, Jacques Clouseau :smile::smile:


Only missing those Knaves you borrowed. Don’t kid yourself that I’ve forgotten those.

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When faced with amageddon a simple speller isn’t top of my list.

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How true that is. :+1::+1::grin:

Fair point but the Razzle’s I loaned you came back with a few pages stuck together…,


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From the BBC about the failure of some to even get the alert, this:

“ In Wales, the alert included a translation erroras the words “others safe” appeared in the message as “eraill yn Vogel” rather than “eraill yn ddiogel” in Welsh.

“Vogel” does not mean anything in Welsh, as there is no letter V in its alphabet - although Vogel is a ski resort in Slovenia. “


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