Chris Gayle - Charmer or Cock?

No class. Clearly he should have tried his luck on Linkedin rather than in a live interview! :lou_wink_2:


Exactly, he could have just asked her to come around the members end after the interview - no need for crass “fancy a drink love” moves

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Just watched the interview. They werent impressed in the studio!

That’s cos they think it’s their job to harass chicks.


Backward and complete cock, ask him what he thinks of gays and you’ll probably get an even more stoneage answer.

do I sense mock outrage? Bloody PC bullshit


“Australia is PC mad at the moment”

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one.


You probably sense cake or double cream Fatso.

When I lived in Aus she would have been told to harden the fuck up, how times have changed.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

When I lived in Aus she would have been told to harden the fuck up, how times have changed.

People go there of their own volition now, Baz. Probably different from the forced transportation you remember.


Normally extreme leftists who believe its all laid back and nature when its in fact one of the most red necked gaff’s on the planet.
I loved the shock of when family with 2.4 kids go on their first holiday up to Port Douglas and see a true blue Aussie, they realise its quite not what they thought it was.

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Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

When I lived in Aus she would have been told to harden the fuck up, how times have changed.

If they’ve changed, it’s not yet reached the Prime Minister…,

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her opening question was charged with sexual innuendo imo