šŸŽ¼ šŸŽ„ Celebrations on a theme


Just amazing what that machine could do with so little.

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OK - just checked the Airwolf one and it was awful :joy:

I definitely recall the Spectrum having a better sound chip, maybe Manic Miner wasnā€™t the best example

Even with twice the capacity, the Spectrum was no match for the C64ā€¦

I started with a 48k speccy, but the graphics were so much better on the Commodore.

And once the Amiga came outā€¦

Loved this on the Amiga. Chris Huelsbeck, I believe.


Not disagreeing with you here at all, but Ā£400 compared to Ā£125 for the Spectrum 48k

Plus your tape deck. Plus your Kempston Interface.

The C64 came with a tape deck, two ATARI-compatible joystick ports.

FWIW, I think both were bloody terrible companies, as many of the tech firms were back then. Sir Clive bet the farm on the C5, a move which saw him get bought out by bitter rival Alan Sugar.

Commodore never really developed a decent product on their own afterward. They didnā€™t design the Amiga, which almost went to Atari. The only reason it didnā€™t is because they were even bigger shysters thn Commodore.

Huelsbeck was a bit of a legend, I visit this theme regularly.

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Fill your boots, themes fans!


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Well thatā€™s no fun. Thatā€™s not here, is it?

Some absolute belters in there.

IK+ on the Amiga.

Couple of favourites from my youth. Frak blew my mind at the time due to the white background

Cauldron is class.

Frak would have me reaching for a hammer, which is probably why they had no BBC Micros in woodwork.

This game was awesome - finger cramps aplenty trying to beat my mate who was an utter demon on it.

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Loved that game

There was that trick on the side lights where you could rack up loads of points v quickly if you threw the ball in a certain way

I was a second half player - I would forego trying to score in the first half in favour of disabling the other sides players - the second half took care of itself :facepunch:


Lots of power-ups.
The one that reversed the controls used to do my nut!

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I find it difficult to believe that game has never successfully been remade.

I feel exactly the same about Sensible World of Soccer.

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I used to go around a friendā€™s house specifically to play Sensible Soccer on his Amigaā€¦loved it, I was crap at it likeā€¦