Bletch and Fowllyd's big night out

And he’ll need to wait for them to clear Thursday’s backlog of 20 ambulances.

Vertigo cured.

Devil’s Backbone did the trick.

Sounds like Beltch is laid out on the flooor again

It must be time to send out a search party…

Bastard s whose idea was it to get the spirits our

When a man is so drunk he loses his grammar, spelling and punctuation, his dignity is sure to follow close behind…

Not sure Bletch would get on too well in Krakow with that stamina level.

Hell, the booze is so cheap here I actually pay my bar bills

Fuck you. I’m sentient Nd still breathing and I’ve had 1/4 pint of mild.

Ask Flyd and SO5 what they’re driving?

Barbican by comparing.

I’m just going to post whatever youtube music vid i’m watching now :lou_facepalm_2: in an inappropiate thread :laughing:

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