Big Fat Sam - Telegraph Sting

As said, the revelations are getting weaker and weaker. Can only imagine they are hoping to end with a bang (or a bung) with the stuff about managers and backhanders.

Has this all been swept under the carpet ?

Any new revelations in the Sunday papers?

I notice Eric Black was on the bench yesterday so the club haven’t suspended him.

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Don’t know about the Sunday Telegraph but there was nothing in the Daily Telegraph (the freebie in the coffee shop) this morning.

I’m guessing there are legal challenges going on behind the scenes at the moment…why else would they be silent.

or they’ve eeked out every last column inch possible, from their couple of half stories and the gutter is dry.

Interesting article today, by Nial Quinn for Sky

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Very good article, that - thanks for posting it.

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Great Article, some good r"recommendations" and the sinking feeling that the FA will do bugger all