🍻🍷 The Map of 🇲🇷 Booze thread whatever the title says (or is changed to when moderately intoxicated)

Goaty, Bletch and the Soviet crew …


Bonjour Matelot

Shit. The Cabanos is coming out
Planning for extra time

Two things in life that are sad.
Saints losing
Being the only Sotonians poster having an ABF at the end of the football
(ABF - absolutely bloody final drink)

So tonight I discover that Croatia do an excellent orange wine and the Serbs have great reds

I once had 5 hours of continuous work on the top of my foot. Supposed to be one of the worst.
Didn’t hurt at all, although that probably had a lot to do with the pethidine tablets my customer at time gave me and nothing at all to do with me😷
Very nice work you’ve had.

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Cider, g&t, rose wine and then another g&t. I may not do any working at home tomorrow. Probably a good thing.


@ant needs to see and pass comment on that tat.

Haven’t seen him since the move.

Perhaps @ant has forgotten how to spell his username.

6 bottles deep or balls deep? I think we should be told.

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Ahh…there he is!

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Fuck me yes.

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Friday, Tuesday. It’s all the same right?


I’m still pissed this morning :beers::beers:


Scrambled Egg & Bacon. 3 Coffees, a Power Nap and a Brufen have not helped.
Made the stupid mistake of not going out the pad to a meeting and Mall Walk, regretting that now


Had a brace +1plus in the sun at lunchtime, went back to the office to pick up my laptop and offski…

Fridge full of wine and beer. Need to make up for the fact me & Ternage Mutant will miss the game tomorrow as we’re Uni visiting- which suspiciously now closes at 3pm…

Mrs C_S and Young Adult smug they will where they need to be at kickoff- in front of tellybox with beer :lou_sad:

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It’s a warped entrance test.

If he turns up at the University the offer will be withdrawn.

They’re expecting a call with a creative excuse anything less lacks initiative and honour.

Don’t fall for it.

Stay home.


There is still time to review the offsted reports and find a reason why that Uni is shit and not worthy of consideration.