🍻🍷 The Map of 🇲🇷 Booze thread whatever the title says (or is changed to when moderately intoxicated)

Happy Hour. 2 4 1 Bullfrogs. No wife. Karaoke. Mates. Post Brunch drunk bitches.
What could possibly go wrong?

Either a) that’s a Michael Stipe lyrics b) you’re mid way through a gangsta rap karaoke rendition or c) you have female dogs that drink in Dubai.

For the record I haven’t started drinking yet. Might have a quiet one tonight.

Not the start I was looking for.
And yes Bletch a load of drunk overweight unattractive 35+ year old females on a birthday party

Heading for Soho and meeting with long lost mate and his wife, not seen them in over 10 years. He introduced me to my (now ex-) wife; I was with him the night that he met his wife: seems right to complete the fucking circle by getting my future wife to meet them both tonight.

Pass the gin.


Sounds like you should kick him the bollocks for his first intro


The Bullfrog.
Think Long Island Iced Tea but instead of cola it has Blue Caracao & Red Bull…
And I just brought the house down with my Steve Harley classic.


When Happy Hour ends in 1 minute.


OK when I get on WiFi I have clips of everyone I beat at karaoke tonight. Now to follow Mrs D_ps instructions to gr8 laid or was it fvcked up?

Shit. I’m dancing.
To rap shit

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Been in France for about 8 hours and I think I’ve put on 2 stone.


I’ve just hand (quite) a few glasses of vino & watched Zombieland on t’mobile rather than talk to the mother-in-law.

It was laugh out loud funny

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I don’t think half a bottle of Dead Man’s Finger is conducive to a sober state.

And the cats have brought a frog in to the house…

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We’ve not had one of those yet. Just the usual mice, voles& birds, which are getting to the size the cats can’t get them through the cat-flap. (the birds)

Squirrels next

This is houng to be hard to believe but I’m struggling to get pissed.

Drinking doombar and it’s not having much of an impact.

It must be like being a normal person.

Ive not spoken to my mother in law in 22 years. Its not that I hate her, its just that I dont want to interrupt her…

boom boom



That escalated rather quickly Go me!

Oh dear, do you need a divorce lawyer?

Honestly, they scream, it’s a really scary scream. And they hop so fast too…I’ve rearranged the furniture trying to catch the little bugger


Soft lad - as @pap would say ooop north.

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