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Donā€™t accept a life from anyone with a white van @Intiniki, especially if you can see cable tiesā€¦

A life?

The @Cobham-Saint Triangle Trade laid bare through a Freudian.

Only on Sotonians.

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I sort of do have a life with a guy who drove a white van around London.

If youā€™re referring to your other half, I mostly think of this.

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Ffs - damn autocorrect or was it that bloody Google monstrosity thing introduced to the site by @saintbletch


Pretty spot on until the harassing the woman on the street bit.

:mapoftasmania: is still showing on the Users Map btw

O really?

Ok, smarty pantsā€¦

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@WorzelScummage has had his account suspended - at his own request.

That explains why his name didnā€™t come up.

Ok, whose fault was it this time?

I hope youā€™re not suggesting that Cherts sent his request under duress?

The plot thickens.

Not at all - havenā€™t been on many of the threads heā€™s been active on recently so assumed points and counterpoints got a tad shouty / personal.

Ah, just saw the beef thread. Guess it tipped him over the edge.

I think they have been rather shouty. I think theyā€™ve been rather personal too. That is one of the consequences of freedom of speech, something that was introduced after @Coxford_lou made an impassioned plea for @Furball to be able use his full range of skills.

This place started out very nicey nicey before that.

I had just finished reading Trigger Warning, an excellent book by Mick Hume, which utterly changed my thinking on the subject. I was well up for Louā€™s suggestion.

I still am. Thereā€™s a powerful argument articulated in Humeā€™s book which asserts that hate speech doesnā€™t exist. The counter-point? Itā€™s just speech. Some fucking idiot has to take action for it to be anything else, and at that point, it is something else.

Applying that to this situation, a lot of people spoke. Thereā€™s only ever one person that can ever take action that results in this scenario - the person asking to be suspended.

Make of that what you will.

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Quite. As frankie boyle said, echoing bill hicks, itā€™s just jokes.


The poster known as @TedMaul and @SaintBristol has asked for his account(s) to be suspended.

Should have kept that private :wink:

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I really donā€™t get why posterā€™s ask for their account to be suspended, closed etc. Why not just stop posting and fade away gracefully? Why the need to make a big deal about it? Attention seeking maybe? Whatever, itā€™s all a bit drama-queenish.

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We have a right to delete our accounts and to be forgotten on the web. I sometimes considered it for many a site even this one.
I suppose itā€™s the balance as to whether this needs to be announced or not. Most of the time I donā€™t notice if someone has disappeared off here although thereā€™s a few notable posters I have noticed.